A Woman On TikTok Explained Why People Outside Of America Don’t Refrigerate Their Eggs

Eggs are the ultimate breakfast staple. Fried, scrambled, poached, served with ham and Hollandaise sauce... their versatility knows no bounds! So who would’ve thought that one key detail about everyone’s favorite morning food could be so divisive? Well, a TikTok user sent the internet into a spin with the revelation that outside of America, eggs are sold on the shelves and not in refrigerators. Now that your mind is officially blown, then, which is really the right way to store your eggs?

TikTok Bomb

Mauren Sparrow took to the popular video-sharing site TikTok to explain why eggs are strictly kept chilled in the United States but not in the rest of the world – and people absolutely flipped out. “My life is a lie,” declared one Twitter user. Another Twitterer confessed, “Things I should be doing since I have free time for the next two hours: researching for the research paper due in less than a week. What I am doing: lying in bed watching YouTube videos on why [Americans] refrigerate eggs.”

Mauren Sparrow

Sparrow’s egg-ducational video caused such a commotion, in fact, that it has racked up over 25,000 likes and prompted more than 2,000 comments. But who is Mauren Sparrow? And what prompted her to wax lyrical about eggs? To answer the first question, the millennial from Arkansas actually has her own website dedicated to celebrating body positivity, as well as promoting and selling her own fashion storefront for LuLaRoe.

The Egg Girl

Sparrow wittily referred to herself as “the Egg Girl” when we caught up with her and quizzed her on her ovum insight. “I had studied abroad in New Zealand for five months in college and remembered seeing eggs on the shelves [in supermarkets] and being so confused! I originally made that TikTok because I had been chatting with some friends who had never been abroad, and they didn’t realize that most of the world stores [its] eggs on the shelf instead of in the fridge.”

Food Safety

But what is it about these ubiquitous oeufs and the different ways in which we store them that blows people’s minds? To answer that, we need to look at the way that we handle certain foods and why. It’s commonly recognized as a health hazard, of course, to eat undercooked or incorrectly stored food. And we all know that certain meats like chicken and pork, for example, as well as seafood, can have particularly nasty effects if kept at room temperature for too long. We are, of course, talking about food poisoning here.